Monday, November 04, 2013

Favorite Moments

With life as busy as it is, we all find ourselves lugging our cameras around in the diaper bag less often and just snapping pictures on our phones of favorite moments. Here are just three of mine from October.
Lily Kate went to her good friend, Elly's, karaoke birthday party. The girls were adorable belting our Taylor Swift.  I was thinking a karaoke machine could be a good investment to motivate the girls to become better readers.  She was way more excited about this than about our book time in the evenings!
 One weekday morning Charlotte and LK woke up early and made breakfast in bed for Parks and me - completely unprompted and on their own.  We had cereal and juice, but it was such a kind gesture.  It was worth running late that morning.
 And my Hadley.  Monday - Thursday mornings Hadley and I are on our own while Charlotte is at preschool.  We spend most of our time at fabric stores, Home Goods, and Harris Teeter.  Life is SO much slower, but SO much more fun with this little helper. 

Farewell to Soccer Season

Our first soccer season has come to a close.  Charlotte was hot and cold about playing, sometimes thrilled to kick the ball and other times she would rather pick weeds and roll in the grass with her friends.  She had a good last game and actually played soccer the whole time.  
 Jacob & Lily Kate
 Charlotte & Ford
 These two are the best of friends.  I love how they run at each other, calling our their names when they see each other.  Hadley and Chloe may miss soccer season more than anyone else because of their regular toddler playdate on the sidelines. 

We have spent many evenings on our new patio making s'mores and just talking by the fire.  We had a chilly night last week and we carved the pumpkins and made orange s'mores with the giant pumpkin marshmallows Nona sent the girls.

Charlotte all ready for the Fall Festival at church, her Cinderella costume was Parks' sisters' dress up dress when they were little.  It still looked great! I added the ribbons for some Cinderella touches.
 Here's our Titans cheerleader, Hadley
 and our black cat, Lily Kate
I love this candid shot of Charlotte just relaxing on the sidewalk

Holly Tree Ho Down

Sack races at the ho down

 We had a great time at the ho down.  Tons of candy was consumed, faces were tatooed, and bouncy castled were jumped in!
 One of the booths was a game where you guess the amount of different candies in containers and - what do you know - Charlotte won the mini marshmallows!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Charlotte's Farm Field Trip

I got to go with Charlotte on her farm field trip a few weeks ago.  No siblings were allowed, so we got to have each other all to ourselves. It is so fun to see her in her school environment with her friends.  We had a great time.
 There was a tractor ride.
 She fed the bunnies (many time)
 She "scrubbed" a miniature pony.
 And she rode a horse.  I love my Charlotte, she's one sweet girl.


I did a terribly job of documenting with photos, but we went to Chattanooga in late Sept for Parks' Grandad's funeral.  It really was a celebration of his life.  He will be missed.