Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Garden

I realize that I might be the only person interested in this post about my garden, but I am LOVING having a veggie garden. Since this is the first summer in our new house we started small, unsure of what spot might be the best for the garden or what would grow well here. I'm going big next year. Lily Kate has really enjoyed growing food. She especially loves the "minty" and pops leaves in her mouth every time she's out there. She learned the hard way that basil isn't as fun to chew. Above, some of our most recent cucs. Below, Cayanne peppers. Don't you look at those and think, "that might be a little dangerous in a yard with little ones, the baby might pick one and eat it...." Yep, she did. There was a lot of face scrunching and tongue wiping. Some of our cherry tomatoes, and the first almost bloom from the sunflowers that Kate planted all on her own (a gift from her Soni).

tomatoes, just in time for skewers tonight


Becca said...

Love the garden! I can't believe Char ate a pepper...

Anonymous said...

Kyle was feeling like he had lots of competition when I showed him the garden. MOM

Amber said...

I am interested in the garden. That is the #1 thing I can't wait to have a house for (and a compost pile).