Monday, May 09, 2011

Happy Mothers' Day to Me :)

This weekend we went to Waxhaw, NC for the wedding of one of Parks great friends from high school in Papua New Guinea. It was a great time to him to visit with old friends. One of our friend's sons and Lily Kate were fast friends from the first time they met so they were together the whole time. I spent most of my weekend with Charlotte and it was such a sweet bonding time for us. Happy Mother's Day to me!


Rebecca said...

First of all, thank you so much for your sweet comment about Miles. You totally made my day. I have saved this post of yours for a few days b/c I wanted to not forget writing about these pictures of Charlotte. Obviously your girls are two of the most adorable things ever, but I feel like every time I see a pic of Charlotte, she just oozes sweetness.