Sunday, June 19, 2011

Oh Charlotte...

Wanted to take a minute and document some of the conversations I've had with Charlotte lately.

The other night when we were putting her to bed she told us, "I'm going to growed up now cause I'm getting a baby stister" Well, obviously there's lot's on her mind.

Couple nights later Parks was trying to get her to sleep at the mtn house and she was crying. I heard Parks tell her to suck her thumb, that it would make her feel better. She said, "no, I can't suck my thumb, I'm getting so bigger and I not suck my thumb anymore cause I'm bigger" then she just laid there for about 8 seconds crying and then she put her thumb in. Then Parks said, "it's ok Charlotte, you don't have to grow up just yet" So sweet.

At Tate I was pushing her on the big girl swing and telling her that I was impressed at what a big girl she was. She suddenly looked surprised and thrilled. She threw her hands up and said, "I'm so big! I growed up, I growed up!" All I could say was, "don't forget to hold on to the swing!"

Her little 2yr old mind is just racing. She is incredibly interested in babies. She gets about 2 inches from their faces and says, "we don't touch, we only look with our eyes" and then she usually touches anyway. Her motives are sweet but her methods aren't always so gentle. So, we're working on that..... 7 weeks to go!


Jason and Katie said...

Too cute. Has she seen the movie "Babies"? It is Margaret Mary's favorite!

Amber said...

Come to Texas so I can see these girls!