Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I've got a good one...

Now, I'll admit, I outright make fun of people who post to their spouses on Facebook about how great they are and how much they love them.  Just text them people, it's so awkward.... ok, off of that soapbox.  I have to say, with this being Parks' birthday week, and us celebrating him in our house, that I sure do love him!  Happy (late) birthday to a kind, consistent, servant of a man who always reminds me that our contentment comes from trusting God with our lives.  I'll follow you anywhere!
Last week we went to Espetus for dinner, a Brazilian steakhouse with all you can eat MEAT.  I couldn't find the courage to partake in the endless meat, but I enjoyed the other food.  
Parks swears he was sweating meat juice the next morning in our cycling class.  Are you grossed out yet?
Here he is doing some big time kindergarten homework.  
I love ya, Parks!


Rebecca said...

ugh, keep it to yourself! jk. congratulations!