Sunday, October 07, 2012

Fall Pumpkins

On Saturday we took the annual trip over to the Pumpkin church to pick out a few and take some pics.  Right away the girls were loading pumpkins into our wagon with Hadley.  We weren't planning on buying 15 so Parks and I got pretty good at discretely putting them back in their piles.  

 crazy "warty" pumpkin
 you know you have a family of girls when the large pumkins are the "mommy and daddy pumpkins" and the little ones are the "baby ones".  They liked this little baby one.

 We paused for some peek through photos

 Hadley had reached her 15 min sitting limit and was ready to walk around

 Sisters.  I love seeing them all in a shot together to see the similarities and differences in their faces.  If all your kids are the same gender does is ever get old looking at their faces and making comparisons?  I love it!  I'm not sure who looks like who.  People always say that Kate looks most like me, Hadley looks most like Parks, and Charlotte is a mix of us.  But, in the picture below I think that Hadley and Kate look alike and that throws off the theory.  Who knows.
 the girls
the fam


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics. love ya, MOM

Sarah Carpenter said...

That is a great family photo.

Becca said...

All those pictures are some of the best I've been of your family! Good job!

Jason and Katie said...

I think all of your girls look so different from each other. So beautiful in completely different ways! Could you do a blog post about the advice you gave me a while back; learning to "not fight the chaos" and what that looks like in your family? I feel like if the house is perfectly in order, I can handle the chaos, but if not, then I go into sensory overload with kids yelling and dishes and toys pilled up everywhere. So, how do you not try to stop the chaos? :) Miss yoU!