Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Holly Tree Hoe Down

Lily Kate's new school had their annual Hoe Down last weekend.  The girls played games and bounced on the bouncy castle.  Lily Kate's class' booth was the cupcake walk.  It was a blast. 

 Sack races
 Kate waiting her turn to toss the hula hoop to win a prize. I learned half way through the evening that you only get a prize if you actually win the game you're playing.  I had been helping myself to prizes for the girls the whole time.  Whatever happened to E for effort??
 the beginnings of what was a huge dance party.  
 Hadley watching the fun

It is fun to think that this is now an annual tradition for our family.  Hadley won't be in 5th grade for another 10 years, so we'll be at Holly Tree for a while. Such a wonderful school!


LuLaRoeMeg said...

Oh man, 10 years. I hadn't thought of that! So, I'm 11 years out!!!