Sunday, September 15, 2013

Soccer Season

Our girls (& a handful of our friends) just started soccer season.  Our first game was Saturday.  They loved it.  As we were pulling in I realized that I wasn't sure if Charlotte even really knew that there would be an opposing team and that they were playing against each other.  We aren't the sportiest group if you haven't noticed.  She said, "The other people are going to take our ball, that is so mean!"  Charlotte mostly just ran after the group of kids with the ball.  She would kick it if it rolled free, but never tried to kick it away from anyone.  We'll work on explaining the basics of the game.  
 Samuel & Charlotte
 Lily Kate loved it too (which I was a little unsure about).  I was impressed at her involvement the whole time.  I guess they stop picking flowers on the sides and start playing the game by the time they're six.  It was fun to watch them both have so much fun.


Lauren said...

oh man! i LOVE all the recent posts! and i love hadley's sweet curls:) miss y'all! babyboy's still hanging out but will let you know when he decides to come!