Monday, June 21, 2010

Before & After

All I could say was "WOW" when Parks finished installing the built-in he's been building the garage for the past two months. 2 months ago we rearranged the room to see if we would like the TV on this wall in a built-in and we thought we would. Our TV has been sitting on this little TV stand on the big empty wall waiting. You all know that our family has had an unimaginable past month. I think the garage has been a place of refuge for Parks. He likes to loose himself in measurements and old Gusters songs on his IPOD. Well, I sure am pleased with the result. What a guy, that Parks! :)

Okay, some of you have asked (some repeatedly) for some pics of our new house. Can I still call it new since we've been in for a year? Here is a link to a google album of pics for those who are interested. There are no people in the shots, so these aren't for those who get bored easily. Oh, and look for more pieces that Parks built in the house (our bed, dining room table, & coffee table)


Crissy said...

Wow, that is amazing! Way to go, Parks!

Becca said...

Dinosaur train!

Looks so great Parks! Like professional.

Leslie said...

Glad to see Parks is living up to his name. Very impressive!