Thursday, September 30, 2010


I sat at the breakfast table this morning and listened to Charlotte and Parks reading books. "What's that?" he would say and animal after animal Charlotte would answer... "rine ah sis" "gee aff" "monkey". Then Parks said, "Count the balloons." and with her finger on each one she counted, "one, two, free, four, five".... Did Lily Kate count when she was 21 months?? It all goes by so fast.

I also saw her sitting by herself in my room the other day saying "giant mess... diss a giant mess" very dramatically with emphasis on each word. There was no mess at all but she was definitely pretending that something was going on....interesting little imagination... we're still learning her personality. She is an interesting mix between sweet and cuddly & feisty and bossy. I laughed a little as I typed those words so effortlessly. There are 2 other ladies in the house who are a lot like that :) Poor Parks.


Amber said...

so funny. What a cutie. Damon talks about applying to grad school in NC and I secretly would love it.