Thursday, January 20, 2011

One More Quote

At the park today...Lily Kate was playing on the crowded playground. She runs over to me with lots of excitement,

"Mom, that boy over there is handsome"
"Yea, his hair is really cool"
"okay, go slide"

I was shocked! I have never heard her say anything like that about a boy! Wow, I didn't see that coming at all. Apparently she likes shaggy surfer boy hair, by the way.


Becca said...

I think I started thinking boys were cute when I was her age... So cute!

Katie said...

I love reading things the girls say! I can hear them talking as I read :) Miss you and can't wait for Sunday afternoon!

Amber said...

Ha. My niece, Hope (Kindergarten) has a boyfriend that she is going to get married to.