Sunday, January 16, 2011

Quotes from today

Charlotte hands me her Ariel doll,
"Mom, can you get her bacon soup?"
"Umm, bacon soup, what's that, babe?"
"Bacon soup, bacon soup for swimmin"
Wow, she's talking about a bathing suit, never heard that one before....

We are still attempting to get the girls to sleep in the same room. Parks was standing outside the door listening to Charlotte singing loudly.
"Girls wanna have fun, girls wanna have FUN. Hey, sissy, you like that one, right, you like it?"
Kate is almost alseep
"Sure, Char, I like it. Go to sleep."
This is what almost every night sounds like. We put them to bed every night around 7/7:30. We have ridden it out until 10:30 one night before we gave up and moved Charlotte back out into her old crib. We need to stay strong, They need to get it sometime.


Becca said...

That made me laugh so hard! I love those little goof-balls!