Monday, February 14, 2011

Little Sponge

I just had to note this conversation we had with Charlotte last night. I was going through her papers from church and she had colored a picture of Bartimaeus, the blind man that Jesus healed. I asked her who was in the picture, expecting the usual, "I don know" that I often get. But, she said, "that man hurt his eyes, he was so sad. Jesus fix his eyes and he was all better. He was so happy!" Then in true Charlotte fashion, she yelled "YAY!" I was shocked. I often forget how much they "get" at this age, she's such a little sponge.

On a random note, my latest favorite thing that Charlotte does is, if you do anything to change your appearance (add sunglasses, take down a pony tail) she says, "oh Mom, you take off your pony. you're so precious." and she'll come and stroke my cheek. It's so funny but she really means it. Nothing like being called "precious" by your 2 yr old to boost your confidence.

She also sings Little Mermaid songs and tunes from our church Christmas play very loudly (and in totally wrong keys) to herself while she plays or rides in the car. There's a mini update on Charlotte, love that girl!


Becca said...

I laughed until I cried. "You're so precious."