Friday, July 22, 2011

Induction Date

I went to the dr this morning for my 38 week check up. If there are any men that read this and are weirded out by labor talk then skip this post :) I am only 1cm dialated, but am 70% effaced and she is at a neg 1 station - so pretty low. Te doctors were a little concerned at the speed of my last delivery coupled with the fact that I have Group B Strep and need 6hrs of penicillin before she is born. So, we opted for an Aug 1st induction date. I still hope that she comes on her own (& I will just get my bottom to the hospital this time, apparently I'm not allowed to finish watching Top Chef like last time). They offered July 28th or 29th but Parks and I liked the sound of another Saturday between now and the birth, so we picked the next Monday. We were laughing at the nature of having our 3rd and wanting just 2 more days to rest and prepare before we meet her. So, now we have a plan that is just that - our plan. We'll see what God's plan is and when He wants us to meet our littlest girl. Between now and then we have a visit with Parks' mom and brother, we're trying to replace our car that got totalled earlier this month, I'd love to sew some outdoor pillows.... you know, the usual :)


J. Harwell said...

Been thinking about y'all and praying for you!

The Harwells LOVE August birthdays. We've got 3 in our house - me, Molly & Sam. (Poor Jason.)

Praying for your plans - and for the Lord's timing in all.

Love from Athens...


Amber said...

Oh how exciting!

Rebecca said...

I did the same thing- I made lunch and watched "Fringe" before I headed to the hospital. :)

The Carpenters said...

I can't believe we've never talked about Fringe, I LOVE it. Do you? I can't find other ppl who are obsessed with it. Be obsessed with me - please