Friday, June 01, 2012

Happy Friday

 We went to the Splash Pad this morning with friends.  I'm thinking it may need to be a regular Friday morning occurrence.  The kids loved it.  I didn't put Hadley out in the water until about 30 minutes before we left and I wish I had done it sooner.  She thought it was great.  

 On our way home the girls asked if they could have a tea party.  We made some strawberry lemon bars (with berries we picked from Lewis Farm!) yesterday and I suspect this was a fancy way to eat dessert in the middle of the day - but, hey, great idea.  I went to the kitchen to put the lemon bars on plates and get the juice out and they headed straight for the dress up box.  This kind of thing is daily activity for our house full of girls but I rarely have my camera handy so I was glad to capture sweet memories. 


Sarah Carpenter said...

As always I love the pictures and my precious nieces.

Janah said...

I can't believe your beautiful girls are growing up so fast. I hope you remember me from my short time in the port city. I have kept up with lots of folks down there via their blogging and remember the births of LK and Charlotte, but somewhere in the past year with my own little one, I have missed the new Carpenter gal! Hadley looks precious as they all do. Wish you and your sweet family all the best. Take care!