Friday, September 30, 2011

at 10:53 2 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
7 Weeks Old
at 11:39 1 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2011
at 12:36 0 comments
Friday, September 09, 2011
Living it up in Pinehurst!
at 18:07 3 comments
First Day of Pre-School
at 17:43 0 comments
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
at 13:42 2 comments
Happy Birthday, Parks!
at 13:02 1 comments
Saturday, September 03, 2011
This morning Parks took Hadley (& Lily Kate who is always a couple inches away) out of our room and let me take a long nap. Then after breakfast he left Hadley and I alone and took the older girls to Home Depot to do the kids' Saturday building project. I looked it up on their website while they were gone and saw that it was an ESPN game day board :) Our girls painted theirs pink and purple and made dry erase drawing boards. Cute. Then they went to Chick Fil A for lunch. Here is the text I got from Parks while they were there, "Never a dull moment, Charlotte just peed in the play area and now they are shutting it down. Probably time for us to go" I thoroughly enjoyed my time folding laundry and sweeping the floor in peace. What a great husband.
at 10:37 2 comments
1 Month
Sept 1st (my mom's birthday) Hadley turned 1 month old. The days (and nights) are long but the weeks are short. If you're a parent you've heard the phrase. It couldn't be more true. This month has flown by and I can't remember half of it. Truth time - I felt a lot of anxiety about having 3 kids. Could I handle it without losing my patience/temper daily?? It has been hard, a juggling act with no breaks is what I would liken it to. I am always needed at all times. Really though, when I am alone with Hadley all the stress falls away. It is so therapeutic to hold a newborn. So innocent, so small, so helpless. I have been reminding myself that God likes us in the "I can't do this!" position. It reminds us that life is not about our ability, but about our relationship with Him. And now there are no days that go by where I forget that I need Him.
at 03:45 3 comments